COPD Southern
Non-Pharmacological Treatments
Unfortunately there is no cure for COPD but there are treatment that can provide significant symptom relief and slow the progression of the disease.
Smoking Cessation
Stopping Smoking is the most important thing you can do for your lung health.
Smoking cessation, even intermittently helps reduces lung function lost and reduces the risk of exacerbations.
Click Here to find out about how a Green Prescription could help you
Daily Exercise
Although this may seem hard at first, daily exercise is one of the best things you can do for your lungs and your health in general.
This should be 20-30 minutes per day of activity that makes you 'huff and puff'.
Don't worry if you can't do this straight away, just aim for small increasing exercise goals.
Knowledge is Power
Learn as much as you can about your condition. Make sure your information is from reliable sources. Mis-information can be harmful. Every patients journey is different (meaning that your symptoms may not be the same of some else's and your treatment may be different)
Keep discussing COPD and your symptoms with your GP. If you want more information, get referred to respiratory specialist services.
Both Malnutrition and Obesity commonly contribute to poorer outcomes in COPD. Maintaining a healthy weight is important.
Avoiding excessive weight loss will help avoid malnutrition. If required your should discuss this with your Doctor and get a dietician referral or high-calorie supplements.
Breathing Techniques
Pursed Lip Breathing is helpful in controlling your breathing. Click Here to learn how to do this breathing technique.
Diaphragmatic Breathing (Belly Breathing) can also help with controlling your breathing. Click Here to learn how to do this technique.
Mucus, Sputum or Phelgm are all commonly used words for the same thing
Sputum Clearance
There are several things you can do to help clear sputum (mucus):
1. Drink plenty of water to loosen up phlegm.
2. Exercise helps improve the mechanism that clears sputum out of the lungs.
3. The Active Cycle of Breathing is a helpful technique to help with sputum clearance. Click here to learn the technique and why you should do it.
If you are still struggling with sputum clearance a physiotherapy referral may be helpful.